Any risks in land-based salmon are addressed through deep experience and aligned risk management. When you invest in land-based salmon you want a team who has had a solid hands-on learning curve in the segment and strategic acumen. 

The Great Northern Salmon team combines decades of deep executive, design, and production expertise from multiple past projects from hatcheries, smolt, and grow-out facilities. Over the past decades, our team has lived through most real-life risks in land-based design and operations. Farms our team has worked on through the years remain in operation today.

We bring experience from key leadership and management roles on the producer side over the years, not as supporting vendors or consultants. 

Our people have been on the frontlines of successfully developing and permitting major projects on both US coastlines and beyond. We navigate strategically and tactically with robust corporate experience from C-suite positions in international companies and from hands-on production roles.

Our staff is our most valuable resource – we have hired some of the very best in the US.  

Past development projects where management has been hands-on on the producer side:

  • Broodstock and smolt farms in Canada and Europe
  • Grow-out facilities in Canada, the US, and Europe
  • The founders are developing and permitting their third and fourth farms in the US.


Marianne Naess

Marianne Naess - Founder, CEO, and Board Director

Naess was EVP Commercial in one of the largest RAS developments in the US with responsibility for the Company´s California business, chief of staff, commercial development, and company communications in the US. Prior to that, she has more than 2 decades of various C-suite positions in strategy, business development, commercial & HR in international companies such as McKesson and Aker Solutions. Over ten years as a management consultant at EY and Anderson responsible for several larger restructuring programs. BA in Communications and master’s degrees in international development and Planning and public administration. Resident in Maine.

Erik Heim

Erik Heim - Founder, Executive Chair, and Executive Advisor

Heim has 15 years in the segment as a profiled pioneer. Heim founded the first commercial RAS salmon facility in Norway, chaired the first large Yellowtail RAS farm internationally, and developed two major projects in the US. Previously held various executive positions in the financial services industry, ranging from VP to SVP positions. Five years as a business consultant at Accenture. BA in Communications, MBA, and MA in applied anthropology. Resident in Maine.

Dean Guest

Dean Guest - RAS Technology & Design

Dean has been working in aquaculture for over 35 years. From 1985 through 2006, he was employed at Marine Harvest Canada Inc., in New Brunswick, serving as Operations Manager from 1994 to 2006. In that position, he had full responsibility for the smolt production breeding program, the brood and egg production, to the transfer to salt water. From 2009 to 2022, he served as Freshwater Production Director, first for MOWI Canada West, BC (2009 to 2017), and then for MOWI Canada East, in New Brunswick and Newfoundland, from 2017 to 2022. Resident in New Brunswick.

John Hessler

John Hessler - Head of Planning & Analysis

John has been working as a project manager for engineering, design, and permitting for some of the largest RAS development projects in the US for the last four years. He also has extensive experience in business and production modeling of land-based aquaculture facilities. Prior to entering the field of aquaculture, John worked in the construction field in Maine. He is educated with degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Maine and Georgia Tech University. Resident in Maine.

Cathal Dinneen

Cathal Dinneen - Head of Production

Cathal has more than 25 years of international RAS aquaculture experience and has been instrumental in developing the first commercial-scale RAS operations for Kuterra and Nordic Aquafarms. He is one of the most experienced RAS bio-planners in North America and brings with him extensive experience in production from Grow-Out facilities in RAS. He has BS, and MS degrees in Aquaculture.

Kevin Kelsey

Kevin Kelsey - Head of Hatchery

Kevin has about 35 years of experience in freshwater aquaculture with both flow-through and RAS systems. He has been in charge of the Fish & Wildlife Hatchery in Vermont since 1997 and before that had various positions in aquaculture in the NE. BS degree. Starts in Q2 2024.

Board of Directors

Marianne Naess

Marianne Naess - Founder, CEO, and Board Director

Naess was EVP Commercial in one of the largest RAS developments in the US with responsibility for the Company´s California business, chief of staff, commercial development, and company communications in the US. Prior to that, she has more than 2 decades of various C-suite positions in strategy, business development, commercial & HR in international companies such as McKesson and Aker Solutions. Over ten years as a management consultant at EY and Anderson responsible for several larger restructuring programs. BA in Communications and master’s degrees in international development and Planning and public administration. Resident in Maine.

Erik Heim

Erik Heim - Founder, Executive Chair, and Executive Advisor

Heim has 15 years in the segment as a profiled pioneer. Heim founded the first commercial RAS salmon facility in Norway, chaired the first large Yellowtail RAS farm internationally, and developed two major projects in the US. Previously held various executive positions in the financial services industry, ranging from VP to SVP positions. Five years as a business consultant at Accenture. BA in Communications, MBA, and MA in applied anthropology. Resident in Maine.

William Ginn

William Ginn - Independent Director

Business strategy consultant - served in senior leadership positions in both non-profit organizations and businesses. Founded Resources Conservation Services, managing recycling programs for industrial clients. After selling the company, worked for New Zealand’s Nature Conservancy’s Asia and Pacific program. Upon returning to the U.S., managed large forest conservation transactions for TNC which was chronicled in his book, Investing in Nature. Chief Conservation Officer of the Nature Conservancy and Executive Vice President. Founded NatureVest, a partnership that brought over $200 million in investment into conservation problems worldwide. Resident in Maine.

Great Northern Salmon combines quality, robustness, and innovation through a broad network of partnerships across the US and beyond. The company has teamed up with experienced partners in biology, technology, construction, and production disciplines.

Great Northern Salmon has a strong focus on the communities in which we work. We have conducted extensive meeting activities with stakeholders in our area including elected officials, environmental organizations, tribes, and local businesses.

The company is leveraging strong capabilities in biosecurity, closing-up production systems, designing systems that will deliver on biomass targets, and in waste resource management.